Anne and Jack Carew and Stephen Carew family
Here Anne Carew writes Howard Carew Wallace to tell of his uncle’s passing and burial in the family plot.
She writes, “I write with a sad heart, as last week Stephen Carew died. He had not been well for the past year. He developed a mysterious infection and was in the hospital for 10 days. Slowly, he weakened and gently died on Dec 2nd. There was a great celebration of his life at his funeral with the music he loved and masses of people. Stephen will be buried in the Carew Plot next week. (Anne Carew card sent Oct 2014)
From a letter from Dad regarding Isabel’s passing earlier that year (2014):
On October 29th we had word from Anne Carew Hallisey that my next older sister, Isabel Roxanne Wallace, b. 27th Sept. 1926 in Saint John, NB, and who died 13 Jan. 2014 Halifax, NS, was buried in the Carew Family plot in Mt. Olivet Cemetery on the city’s outskirts, thanks to arrangements by Anne, who explained Isabel’s ashes weren’t buried until the fourth week of October so as to include nieces and nephews who couldn’t reach Halifax until thereabouts.
Margarita Carew Wallace, grandmother to so many, who’s ashes are buried there as well, along with those of her sister Sylvia, their father killed in the Halifax Explosion of 1917, his widow Lavinia is buried there too. She had put our family up after we left Saint John and on the brink of the 1939-45 war she died. Lavinia had lost son Frank to the trenches of the Great War and her hero husband, the Furness Shipping Harbourmaster who had rounded up volunteers to prevent the Explosion but were wiped out. Anne’s parents and brother Paul are there too. Paul died as a young child long before. Yet to come, cousin Stephen and Maureen, Anne and her husband Jack’s ashes: all to fill the Carew plot. (Howard Wallace, 2nd of Novermber, 2014).
At Isabel’s 2014 internment, it rained, Anne wrote, ” …we dried out at Robin’s (Rosemary’s son) with a lovely party.”
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